Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BA #30/Favorite Websites

I love poptropica so much.On there you can play all different games.It is so fun because you can create your own character and do all different things.That is why I love this website.You should deffinitely go on it sometimes.

I love Blogger so much because there is many things to do on it.You can post your own blogs and create a name.Then when you post blogs other people can read them.Then when theyread them they can comment on them in a nice or bad way.
Google is so awesome.You can find everything on Google.I go on it everyday to find things.It is really a big big help .

Youtube is the best website in the world.On Youtube you can type in any kind of music you want to listen to,and it will give it to you.For example someone just made a video and you want to wath it.Well if they put itone there you can listen to it on Youtube.

Wikipedia is competing against Google.They are oth the right websites for you if you are looking for something.You can find anything you are looking for on this website.So go on this website and look up some things.This is the right wbesite for you.
 I love this website so much.When you go to this webiste you can type in a word and it will give you a rhyme.It is so cool to go on.When you type in a word you will not want to stop.So if your looking for a rhyme go to rhymezone and it will possibly give you a rhyme.

Everyone should love funbrain if you go to Bethany.This website is a fun website for kids.It has millions of games and activities you can play.When you get on you won't want to get off.

I have to admit that I get on renweb more than my parents.I like to keep up with my grades and school events.So to do that I go on renweb.If you wish to go on renweb as much as I do then create an account with your school.Again I love renweb.

On classchatter you can do so may things.You can talk to your friends and email your teachers.There is all kinds of tjin gs you can do.That why I love it so much.I must say that because I have to do homework on it everyday.

I wnated to save the best for last.This website is the most awesome website in the world.On there you can vote for the upcoming KCA's that I will defintely be watching.Also on there is this game with a virtual world where you can add and chat with your friends.It is so cool you should definitely try it sometime,and don't forget to vote for the KCA's(Kids Choice Awards)

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