Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BA #29/Facebook


     Hello my fellow students.Today I will blog about something that everyone loves.Well at least some people do.I m blogging today about Faceboook the website that everyone is on and everyone is getting off.Well lets get started.
       Facebook is a social working network and launched in February 2004.On January 2011 Facebook broke the record of 600 million people as active users.On Facebook you can create a personal profile,add your friends and other friends,and exchange messages.Facebook allows anyone who is 13 or older to join the popular website.Now lets get to other important things.
          Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with a few other college roomates.The websites membership was initially limited by the founders of Harvard students.It then expanded to other students in the Boston area,the Ivy League,and Standford University.It had gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students,and finally, to anyone aged 13 or older.I think that Mark did a pretty good job with this process don't you think.
       On my opinion it is not always a good time to get on Facebook today,but sometimes it could be exciting.Facebook could definitely sometimes be beneficial and sometimes it could not.You can find much information that you are looking for when you are on Facebook.On Facebook there can be some difficulties,and sometimes there is a problem with online privacy.Child Safety is very important and many times Facebook is not a good website to help children be safe.Here is something you did not know Facebook has been sued many many maaaany times!!!!
        So now you know what you would like to know about Facebook.I hope there is nothing I did not mention.Anyway there is a possibility that you found this useful and a possibilily that you did not.So I hope you take this information and do what you want with it.Maybe someday if you don't have a Facebook you can create one if you like.
     This is Mark the guy who created Facebook.

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