Friday, January 7, 2011

Me and Myself

     Hi my name is Markia D. Wilson.I am 11 years old and I live in Slaughter, Louisiana.I go to Bethany Christian School and I love all my teachers except for one,no details.I absolutely love God and everything He does for me.My favorite cartoon is Spongebob Squarepants ,and favorite show is Chopped on the cooking network.
      I absolutely love movies.In fact my favorite movie(in theaters)is Faster.My favorite Disney Channel movie is Game Plan.I will tell that my favorite thing to do is EAT!!!!!!!!!My favorite thing to eat is Pizza or Hot wings.Finishing off my food loving after a long day at school I like to calm down with some good Raising Canes.
     Now it is time to talk about school.I am a cheerleader at school and love doing it.It is so fun to cheer up the croud when our team is losing.During school I love to hang out with my friends and do everything with them.I adore school and am hoping to finish it.
     Did you know I absolutely love reading books.When I get a new book I am so exicited and ready to read it.When I pick up a book it is like an adventure.I am ready to go and explore the world.Don't you just love reading?To me reading is the best thing to do when your bored.
     Last but definitely not least I love God.God is the best thing in the world to me.I am sure He is to you to if He died on the cross for you and sacrificed His life for you.I enjoy worshipping and bragging on God.Well,that is a five paragraph decrition of me and myself.Hope you loved it!!!!!!

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