Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog Assignment #12/M. Antoinette

     First George Muller now Marie Antoinette.This is great.....Anyway today I will blog to my fellow students and teacher about Marie Antoinette.Marie was a wonderful person with many children(Well to me she was).Otherwise why would I tell you about her(just kidding).
     Marie Antoinette was born on November 2,1775 and was exucuted on October 16,1793.She was the fifteenth child of Marie Theresa.She was also the Queen of France and Navarre,and was best remembered by her legendary extravagance and her death.I told you she was wonderful.Did you know that she was also the Archchudess of Austria.
     At the age of fourteen,the day she was married Louis-Auguste,Dauphin of France,she became Dauphine de France.After seven years of marriage she gave birth to her first born of four children.At the height of The French Revolution, Louis XVI,was desposed.Then the royal family was imprisoned.Did you also know that Marie Antoinette was an amazing women.Well you might think that that raps up our tour of Marie(Well it does not).

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