Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blog Assignment #9 Your-person/topic


Who-Disney World
What-It is a fun place to visit for usually vacations,but you can go anytime you feel like it(with an adult of course)!!!!
Why-It is a fun palce to go and just have fun!!!!

      Hello my fellow readers!!!I will be discussing some of the best things to do at Walt Disney World.First I must tell what it is all about.Disney World is a massive vacation resort with mnay hotels,an astonishing number of restaurants,shopping and entertaining districts,and a wealth of other features to enjoy.Makes you want to go right now does it NOT!!!!!!!!Now that I got that out of the ways it is time to get to the exiciting part of it all.
      There are many things to see and do at Disney world.You can go to Disney's Animal Kingdom which I can tell you right now is not all about animals,you can visit their virtual theme park.If you like there are thousands and thousands of ROLLERCOASTERS that you can ride!!The most exicited thing is at the very dark of night there s an amazing firework show.Fireworks at Disney World is the best show in the world.I recommend if you have not been to Disney World this story shall get your parents thinking!!!!YES!!!!

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