Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Assignment #13/Declaration of Independence

1.We believe that all men are created equal.We have life and liberty.

2.The government are instituted among men.That when any form of government becomes destructive we are suppose to alter or abolish it,and get a new government.

3.It effects our safety and happiness.

4.he has kept among us,in times of peace,


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog Assignment #12/M. Antoinette

     First George Muller now Marie Antoinette.This is great.....Anyway today I will blog to my fellow students and teacher about Marie Antoinette.Marie was a wonderful person with many children(Well to me she was).Otherwise why would I tell you about her(just kidding).
     Marie Antoinette was born on November 2,1775 and was exucuted on October 16,1793.She was the fifteenth child of Marie Theresa.She was also the Queen of France and Navarre,and was best remembered by her legendary extravagance and her death.I told you she was wonderful.Did you know that she was also the Archchudess of Austria.
     At the age of fourteen,the day she was married Louis-Auguste,Dauphin of France,she became Dauphine de France.After seven years of marriage she gave birth to her first born of four children.At the height of The French Revolution, Louis XVI,was desposed.Then the royal family was imprisoned.Did you also know that Marie Antoinette was an amazing women.Well you might think that that raps up our tour of Marie(Well it does not).

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog Assignment #11/ Part 2


Male Teenager Puts Piano on Miami Sand Bar

Who-Nicholas Harrington,16
What-He had admitted palcing an old grand piano on a sand bar in Miami ending a mystery that had gripped the city.
When-January 2,2011
Where-Miami's Biscayne Bay
Why-He said "I wanted to create a whimsical,surreal experience"(that is what he said)
How-With the help of his father,and a boat

Challenger Disaster

What-Nasa officials have gathered to mark the 25th anniversary of the 7 astronauts who were killed in the Space shuttle explosion after lift-off
When-January 28,1986
Why-To deploy two satellites
How-Challenger exploded 73 sec. after launch killing all aboard

Five Foot Long Monitor Lizard Caught in California

What-He is a 5 ft long lizard,and was caught wondering in California
When-Januaryu 27,2011
Why-His cage was being cleaned so he escaped into a neighbors apartment
How-His cage was being cleaned

Blog Assignment #11/ Part 1


The Shortage of Death Penalty Drug  Leads State to Scramble
Who-Johnny Baston,36 years of age
What-Texas has 317 convicted murders on death rows.He will be executed.
When-March 10,2011
Why-Killed a wig shop owner
How-A drug

A Six Year Old Boy Dials 911 To Save Mom

Who- Ethan Lucero,6
What-Mom was having heart attack so he called 911 for help
Where-Albuquerque,New Mexico
Why-His mom had a heart attack
How-His mom taught him how

Mom Jailed for Sending Kids to School Illegally

Who-A mom(name unavailable)
What-A mom's search for a better school for her daughters went too far.
Why-She wanted a better school for her daughters

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blog Assignment #9 Your-person/topic


Who-Disney World
What-It is a fun place to visit for usually vacations,but you can go anytime you feel like it(with an adult of course)!!!!
Why-It is a fun palce to go and just have fun!!!!

      Hello my fellow readers!!!I will be discussing some of the best things to do at Walt Disney World.First I must tell what it is all about.Disney World is a massive vacation resort with mnay hotels,an astonishing number of restaurants,shopping and entertaining districts,and a wealth of other features to enjoy.Makes you want to go right now does it NOT!!!!!!!!Now that I got that out of the ways it is time to get to the exiciting part of it all.
      There are many things to see and do at Disney world.You can go to Disney's Animal Kingdom which I can tell you right now is not all about animals,you can visit their virtual theme park.If you like there are thousands and thousands of ROLLERCOASTERS that you can ride!!The most exicited thing is at the very dark of night there s an amazing firework show.Fireworks at Disney World is the best show in the world.I recommend if you have not been to Disney World this story shall get your parents thinking!!!!YES!!!!

Blog Assignment #10/ G. Muller

George Muller:

     George was a Christian Evangelist and Director of The Ashley Down Orphanage.He was well knowed for providing an education to the children under his care.George was born on September 2,1805- and sadly died on March 10, 1898, at age 92.He was accused of raising the poor above their natural station in life.George also established 117 schools which also offered Christian education to over 120,000 children,many of them being orphans.When he was 14 while his mother was dying he was playing cards with his friends and drinking.

     When he was 14 ands his mother was dying he was playing cards with his friends and drinking.In 1875,after the death of his first wife in 1870,and his marriage to Susannah Grace Sanger in 1871,Muller and Susannah began a 17 period missionary travel.After his life his work continued by The George Muller Charitable Trust on March 1, 2009.The Trust maintains the key principles of seeking  money through prayer alone.I think George Muller was a heartfelt man that cared for children.He lives on forever.The last picture is  a picture of George Muller's tombstone.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog Assignment #8/3 Websites

What-Go to this website if you need to break the monotony,or if your day is dragging on.

When-Word Press 2009-2011
Why-For fed up foods who need a little fun injected in their routine.
How-They want to make your sandwiches better,and crazier.

Blog Assignment #8/ Websites

(How is at the bottom)
Who- Boombox
What-"It is a large,portable radio and often tape player with 2 attached speakers.
Where-Department stores such as: Sears,and K-mart
Why-They began to use it in marketing

How-It became an icon of popular culture

Blog Assignment #7/Messmaker


How-Hardworking people
When-Copyright 2011 Photo Argus
What-It is a peaceful, gothic backround with many photos.It has useful information,inspiration,technique,and more.
Who-Bill Jones
Why-He had a passion for it all.


What-Where you learn more about wildlife.
When-Not availible
Why-It is aimed at helping people identify things of nature.
How-The Open University

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog Assignment #6: Smilebox"

 My Smmilebox-

     Hello my fellow students and teachers.It is time to get serious.It is time to talk about Smilebox.I think Smilebox is so awesome.I created a scrapbook and when you see it if you see it I hope you enjoy it.
     Now it is time to talk about my scrapbook.I know you are ready to here about it.I am sorrY,I have been talking so much about how awesome Smilebox is while I could be talking about my scrapbook.Now my scrapbook is all about school.It is about all my friends and teachers,and the times we spent together.Well there it is that is what it is about.Now are you happy.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog Assignment #5/News


Who-6 month old girl
What-A 6 month old girl suffered third degree burns in a Napoleoville house fire
When-7:32 A.M on January 13,2011
Where-Adam Hall Street residence
How-An electric space heater apparently ignited o the living room floor


Who-2 year old girl
What-A girl died,and godparents accused of of second degree murder,and of hitting her in the stomach
When-Late Wednesday night.
Where-Roddy Road,Lot 3,Gonzales
Why-Injuries in brain and in abdomen
How-Injuries in brain and abdomen


Who-5 boys
What-Accused of many charges(each boy)
When-Wednesday,4:20 P.M
Where-Several locations in Donaldsonville
Why-Bad boys
How-They had possessions of drugs


What-There wazs a deadly shooting and police are still searching for the suspect
When-Thursday(night)6:19 P.M
Where-1957 N.Ardenwood Drive
Why-Crazy person
How-Not Availible yet

   If you can help police find this person dial (225)344-STOP or contact police at (225)-389-4869


Who-Former Gov. Edwin Edwards,83
What-He has been in prison for many years and was just released.
When-7 A.M. Thursday
Where-federal Bureau of Prison,Oakdale
Why-Gambling Casinos
How-Police caught him.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blog Assignment #4/Flickr

BOOKS-I like this picture because it is a educated picture.This picture helps me dreaming of what college I want to go to.It tells me to stay in school,and keep my grades up.This picture is a real inspiration to me.I t also tells me to never be a drop out and make my parents proud.

SKY-I love this picture because it reminds me that we are getting closer and closer to heaven and meeting God.I t tells us to get ready and "GET YOUR LIFE RIGHT WITH GOD"if you have not already.I love this picture because it makes me more excited and more eager to meet God.When you see this pic you should be more eager to.I hope this picture was a Big inspiration to you.

CANDY-I cherish this picture because it reminds me of how much I love candy.It also reminds me of how much you can easily ruin your teeth.Oh who am I kidding no one cares about their teeth anymore.I love candy know matter how much it will ruin your teeth.Anyway back on subject I would also have to say that my favorite candy on here is Krackel.I love to eat Krackel for the crunch and deliciousness.That is why I love this picture.

CAR-I love this picture because it says I am free to ride.It also says soon I will be free and ready to go.Soon I will be on my own and get to go anywhere I want.I will be out of the house and away from my parents.It shows responsibility to me to have a car as expensive as that one.

SLIPPERS-This picture reminds me of the time I will never have.I will never be relaxed like I should.You want to know why,because I will always have non-stop homework.I will always have something I will need to ge done.So I never have time to relax.I still love this picture because it keeps me dreaming that one day I will finally be relaxed.

LAPTOP-I love this pic because it reminds me of (now)how responsible I am.I now have a laptop so that means my parents think I am responsible.They now trust me not to do the things that a 2 year old would do with it.It also reminds me of how much I love my parents for getting it for me.Plus I like these kind of laptops.

CAKE-I think this cake is so cute.I want this exact kind of cake for my b-day.I love this picture because it makes me more excited about my birthday.I can not wait till my birthday to get here.I don't know what to expect.Now I am extra excited about it.The colors on this cake are some of my favorite colors.Which make me love it even more.

BIRD HOUSE-I can not stop being jealous of this picture.Right now I wish I was a bird.If I was to me this would be a luxury vacation.I would not want to leave this place.This is so amazing and  extraordinary.

YACHT-I love this picture because it is luxurious.It makes me want to get on one right now at this very second.It reminds me of summer vacation and relaxation.I am now ready for summer vacation because of this picture.I have never been on a yacht which makes it more interesting.Please tell me if you have been on one,because I would very much like to know.

BASKETBALL-I enjoy laughing at this picture because I can not tell you of how many things this pic reminds me of.I will just name a few.This picture reminds me of the time I tried out for the basketball team.I looked like a crazy person out there.I also hope that this picture will rub off on our baskeball team.I hope that this picture will encourage them to do just that.

WASHING MACHINE-I like this picture because it reminds me of something I never want to do.I never in my life want to start washing my own clothes.This picture will definitely keep that in my mind forever.My mind is made up and I will never wash my own clothes(maybe).So mom I hope you are not reading this.

WASHING A CAR-I love this picture because it shows me.This picture shows what I will be doing in the future.Washing my very own beautiful car.I would prefer to hand wash my car than to pay 7$ or more to get it washed.Just because I said this does not mean I will wash your car.I also like this picture because I like the color of this car.

COUCH-I like this picture very much.One of the reasons I do is because on day I will be just like this.This picture is showing me and you what I will be doing in 30 years(maybe).I like the color of this couch,and I like the touch they added with the potatoe.This picture should inspire all my fellow classmates not to be lazy like this potatoe,and not to mope around all day.

TABLE-I know what your thinking.You are probaly asking what is this.Well guess what surprisingly this is a table.This table is so different and extraordinary.That is why I love it.

TEACHER-This picture is so hilarious to me.One day you will probaly end up like this Mrs. Alexander.I hope not because I would not want a teacher who looks like that.Plus the most hilarious part about is that she is skinny and she is looking at her nose.This picture is probaly the est on yet.

                                                        HOPED YOU LIKED MY PICTURES!!!!!!