Tuesday, April 5, 2011

BA #40-41/Lion's Cub Article

1) Favorite food
2) Favorite book
3) Favorite bed time story
4) The best actor in history
5) The best actor between 2010-2011
6) The best chicken in the USA
7) The camp you went to when you were 3 years old
8) Favorite teacher
9) Favorite website to go on
10) The best pranker in Jr. High
11) The best hair bow
12) The school's favorite color survey
13) The most common animal in America
14) Favorite song
15) The best song in the school survey
16) The best screensaver in the history of the world
17) Favorite vegetable
18) Favorite computer
19 Most common store in Louisiana
20) The best computer mouse color
21) Favorite number in the history of the world
22) Favorite monkey in the zoo
23) Why'd the chicken cross the road?
24) Jokes
25) Favorite name for a baby girl
26) Favorite name for a baby boy
27) Comics
28) Favorite shoes
29) Favorite foot
30) The best chocolate in the world
31) Where are chicken most common?
32) Favorite nostril
33) Favorite website on the computer
34) The best video on youtube
35) Favorite girl in Jr. High
36) Favorite boy in Jr. High
37) Favorite cheekbone
38) The best tooth that you love the most
39) Favorite lipstick color
40) Favorite lip gloss color
41) The most recent time you took a nap
42) The best pizza that one ever tasted
43) Why cupcakes taste so good?
44) Why computers are so fun?
45) How people become famous?
46) The chicken who called "bock".
47) Favorite wolf
48) Favorite video game
49) Favorite hair style
50) Favorite kind of nut

 Favorite Books:
        Hello everyone.Today I will bog about the most important thing in education,books.Books are important in anyones life who are in well educated schools.Books can help many people who need education.They even help people who do not need education at th time.
         Sometimes it is just fun to sit down and read a book.You can even do it standing up.Anyway reading is cleary besides eating, my passion.If I cannot read at least once a day I will go bonkers.It is not just me,but many people around the world.

          People around the world have passion to read so much.For example my favorite book is Tunnels.That book is the best book in the history of the world.If you love to read as much as I do you would read the book.I encourage you to read the book.You will deinitely be blown away by the interesting facts and entertainment.

          My next favorite book is I so don't do mysteries.Now that book is sooooo good.This book had so many things into it crammed into one.In this book Sherry(Sherlock Holmes Baldwin: her real name)is on the search for the person who is trying to take over the rhinos.Of course she is only doing this becaus eof her ghost mother who is about to fail her ghost school.Is that not intense enough for you.Well that raps up this blog about my favorite books.
Favorite computer mouse color:

          Hello everyone.Today I will be blogging about something that is very important.Many people will not think so,but it is.This blog today will be about the best computer mouse color.So kick back with a bucket of chicken,and enjoy the blog.

        Computer mouses can be used for many reasons.They can be used for click on websites and other things,slapping people,and walking a pet(the mouse is the pet). I told you you can do much a with a computer mouse.Anyway,I do not know about you,but everyone should always have a decent looking color for all those things you can do with a computer mouse.Here are some awesome colors you may enjoy.

      If you are a loud kind of person you might enjoy colors like orange,yellow,lime green,red,or sky blue.If you are not really much of a color person you might enjoy colors like brown,green,blue,or black.There are so mny colors to choose from.Actually for me there are not becuase I am a person who loves loud colors.If they are not loud looking I do not want it.

      If I was to choose a color for my computer mouse I would probably choose lime green or red.Those two colors are my absolute most favorite colors in the world.Well I guess that rap up the best colors for your computer mouse.If yo would like to learn more just talk to me,and I will give you more tips.Maybe I can even help you choose the one you like.

Favorite Shoes:

           Hello again my fellow students.This will be the last feature sory that I will blog about.This story will definitely blown your mind.It will also literally blow your socks off.The moment you have all been waiting for.

           Today I will talk about the most outrageous shoes in the history of the world.If you do not think that is exciting then you need to go see a doctor,and many more.Today I will hit you with voted for the best shoes that most kids in any Jr.High could possibly wear.So kick back with a bucket of popcorn and soda and enjoy the blog.

            Now this is all based on my opinion.Some could even be tips.Now lets get to the real blog.Most kids in my Jr. High would more likely wear Nike,or New Balance.Some could even wear Jordan or Adidas.The one I love the most would probably be Jordan or Adidas.

          I would have to say that if you wanted to wear shoes to school or get new shoes for school you should go for Nike.I would have to say it is the most common shoe in the world(maybe).Usually at the beginning of a new school year kids would get new shoes.Some kids may have their parents pick them out.Bad idea.Don't let yor parents pick them out.Use your style,and pick out your own shoes.That ends our favorite shoe blog.


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