Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog Assignment #20/America


     Hello again my students and teachers.Today I am blogging about old,famous,legendary American History.If you look all the way down you can see some amazing pictures.It was a very important day when Washingon crossed the Deleware,and you can not forget about the signing of the Declaration of Independence.I do not know if you have ever saw the "Charlie Brown"when they were on the mayflower.Well then tht was even an important time for the little kids who watch "Charlie Brown".I think that America's old history played a big part to everyone.If you know nothing about it pick up a book nad learn more,because you will really be suprised on what you read.

 Battle of Gettysburg, by Currier and Ives.png

Two ships in a harbor, one in the distance. Onboard, men stripped to the waist and wearing feathers in their hair are throwing crates overboard. A large crowd, mostly men, is standing on the dock, waving hats and cheering. A few people wave their hats from windows in a nearby building.


     Now lets get


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