Monday, February 28, 2011

BA #24/3 countries



Who-A mountain gorilla named Kabatwa
What-Has given birth to twins
When-On a Thursday
Where-Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park
Why-She was pregnant
How-She gave birth



Who-John Galliano
What-A French newspaper has claimed to receive a video of John telling customers in a Paris bar that their parents should have been "gassed".
When-On a Thursday
Why-He is a crazy,pethetic man
How-With his mouth



Who- Egypt's public prosecutor
What- He imposed a travel ban on former president Barakand his family
When- Monday,February 21
Where- Egypt
Why- Because they are very bad people
How-They have the authority to.



Who-People on a bus
What-Passengers were haeding home when a bus crashed
When-December 24,2010,Christmas Eve
Why-To go home,or see their families
How-They were heading home for Christmas,and it plunged into a ravine


What-Many were killed in the landslide that took place in Brazil
When-January 24,2011
Where- Near Rio de Janeiro,Brazil
Why-Because of the fierce action of the landslide
How-There was a landslide


Who-No given name of man
What-A flight was delayed after a passenger complained about having a female pilot
When-February 28,2011,11:03 A.M.
Why-Because he is a horrible people
How-With the words of his mouth


Now White House Wants to go 'beyond' a no-fly zone

Who-The White House
What-The Obama adminastration has proclaimed doing a favor by creating a no-fly zone
When-March 17,2011
Where-The white House in Washington D.C
Why-They wanted to do a favor
How-They can

Thursday, February 24, 2011

BA #23/Teen/Kid Features

Ugandan Eagle project nominated for national award

     Right now I will talk about a story that I think was very interesting to me.This story is a heart warming story and is very touching.There is a teenager who was on a quest to earn his Eagle Scout rank.So he took his service project to East Africa where he did the most wonderful thing in the world.He helped improve the living conditions at  home for abandoned babies.I do not know why I chose this story,but it seems it reminds me of something.It reminds me of something that we can do to help in our Serve-A-Thon.

Niya Robinson on Life

     Next I will blog about a girl who is interviewed,and talks about life.She is sixteen years of age, and goes to Zachary High School.She then talks about everything she loves,and who are important to her.She is a vice president of her junior class at school,and a photographer for their Interact Club.Niya also is the section leader for her schools choir altos.This story contains all the things that we can do if we stay in school.That is how this girl got o do all those incredible things,because she stayed in school.

BA #22/High School Newpaper

Chilliwack Secondary School
CSS Chronicle
British Columbia

Sparkman High School
The Crimson Crier

Mary G. Montgomery High School
Valkyrie Voice

Chugiak High School

Prescott High School
The Badger

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blog Assignment #21/Monet


     Hello again my fellow students.Today we will talk about a famous artist that was amazing.His name is Claude Monet.He is a very famous French impressionist painter,and did a great job of it.This man is so amazing,and the amazing part starts right now.
         Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840 on  the fifth floor of rue Laffitte,in the 9th arrondissement of Paris.He was the second of his parents which were second-generation Parisians.When Monet was sixteen he left school to live with his widowed child-less aunt,Marie-Jeanne Lecadre.In May 1871,he left London to live in Zaandam,in the Netherlands where he made twenty-five paintings.I do not know anout you,but twenty-five paintings are many paintings.
          Monet and Camille Doncieux married just before the war(June 28,1870),and after their  exursion to London and Zaandam, they had moved to Argenteuil in December 1871.It was also during that time when Monet painted various works of modern life.Claude had noticed the village of Giverny while looking out of a train window.He amde up his mind to move their and rented a house and the surrouding area.Monet had lived in Giverny from 1883 until his death in 1926.I hope you found this information useful and suprising.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog Assignment #20/America


     Hello again my students and teachers.Today I am blogging about old,famous,legendary American History.If you look all the way down you can see some amazing pictures.It was a very important day when Washingon crossed the Deleware,and you can not forget about the signing of the Declaration of Independence.I do not know if you have ever saw the "Charlie Brown"when they were on the mayflower.Well then tht was even an important time for the little kids who watch "Charlie Brown".I think that America's old history played a big part to everyone.If you know nothing about it pick up a book nad learn more,because you will really be suprised on what you read.

 Battle of Gettysburg, by Currier and Ives.png

Two ships in a harbor, one in the distance. Onboard, men stripped to the waist and wearing feathers in their hair are throwing crates overboard. A large crowd, mostly men, is standing on the dock, waving hats and cheering. A few people wave their hats from windows in a nearby building.


     Now lets get


Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog Assignement #19/Tony Curtis/John Wayne


     Hello my fellow students.Today I will talk about two very known men.There are by the names of Tony Curtis and John Wayne.We definitely can not talk about two at the same time.So I will start off with John Wayne.
     Marion Mitchell Morrison(May 26, 1907-June 11, 1979)better known as his stage name John Wayne was an American film actor,director,and producer.He is very famous for his voice,walk,and height.In 1999,the American Film Institute named Wayne the 13th among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time.He was born in Winterset,Iowa to Clyde Leonard Morrison and Mary Alberta Brown.Wayne was a chain smoker of cigarettes since young adulthood.He later was diagnosed with lung cancer and had to get his left lung and four ribs removed.Five years later,Wayne was declared cancer-free.Within a few years of his operation he began to chew on tobacco and smoke cigars until the day he died.
     Now let us talk about a whole different person,Tony Curtis.Tony Curtis(June 23,1925-September 29,2010)was also an American film actor.Suprisingly his career spanned for six whole decades.He acted in over 100 films in roles covering a wide range of genres,from light comedy to serious drama.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Assignment #18/Obama

     Hello again my young fellow students.Today we will talk about a very important man in our lives.Our president Barack Obama.Our president is trying his hardest to make the country better.So far some people think he is doing a good job,and some people not so much.
     Barack Hussein Obama was born on August 4,1961.He is the 44th president,and the first African-American man to hold the office.He was born in Honolulu,Hawaii,and is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School.Several events brought him to national attention during the campaign.Also you can not forget about his victory in March 2004.
     He won election to the U.S Senate in November 2004.His presidential campaign began in February 2007.Suprisingly after a close campaign in 2008 Democratic Party against Hillary Clinton ,he won his party's nomination.In 2008,general election,he defeated his Republican nominee John Mccain.Then was inaugurated as president on January 20,2009.
     Barack has seven half-siblings from his fathers Kenyan family-six of then living-and a half sister with who he was raised.Besides his native English he speaks Indonesian at the conversational level.He had learned in his four childhood years in Jakarta.He was known as "Barry" in his youth,but he asked to be called his real name in his college years.He plays besketball,a sport he played on the varsity team in high school.
     In June 1989,he met Michelle Robinson.She joined them on a group social function,but declined his initial request to date.They began dating later that summer,and were engaged in 1991 and were marriedon October 3,1992.The couples first daughter,Malia Ann,was born on July 4,1998.Followed by a second daughter,Natasha(Sasha)on June 10,2001.The Obama's also have a Portuguese Water Dog, Bo,a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy.Sorry,but that is the end of the tour for the Obama's.For more information you can go to the website

Blog Assignment #17/More E-News

1)How to write a letter to the Editor
2)How to loose weight with the Fruit Flush Diet
3)How to find someone's arrest record
4) How to make buttermilk from milk
5)How to thaw a turkey


1)"I have fallen and I can not get up."
2)"You are no John Kennedy."
3)"Where's the beef"
4)"Totally tubular"
5)"Yeah.taht's the ticket"

The baseball team has a conversation on the pitcher's mound on the top of the poster; on the bottom, the group sits in Hollywood set chairs; the title and credits are set in the middle.Dutch Ship Fin de la Guerre (Finis Bellis), Siege of Antwerp 1585.jpgThe Major (Hellsing).jpg

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blog Assignment #16/Happy News/Wacky

1)How to Resolve 5 Grammar Problems
2)How to Celebrate Valentines Day Without Spending Money
3)How to Make a Crockpot Pork Roast
4)How to Plan an Eight Course Meal
5)How to Clean a Dog's Ear
6)How to Play the Harmonica
7)How to Know if Someone is Lying
8)How to Play XBox Games on the Computer
9)How to Decorate a Long Narrow Living Room
10)How to Cook a Chicken Drumstick in the Oven
11)How to Childproof a Fireplace
12)How to Set Up a Super Bowl Pool
13) How to Throw a Super Bowl Party
14)How to Make Shoes That Are too Big Fit
15)How to Bake Hair Onto a Clay Doll

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Assignment #15/Africa/Storytelling


     This was a video about the children in Africa getting great education.It is nice to know that the people at least care about the people there in Africa and want to help.The people there want to provide the children of Africa with highly electronic things in school to help there education.I think that is the sweetest thing in the world.Now the children in Africa can be great smart people with a wonderful education.

     The next video I watched was talking about how every school can be a 21st century school.Even the people in Senegal should have a nice and learning education like the children down here.I am sure that the kids in Africa are happy with there technology and education.They should be very thankful because most schools can not provide that.Wait there is one more question.How can the people in Africa provide all those things for the children in school.

     Now that we have went over all the education problems in Africa lets get another topic shall we.I found a story about a boy who tells us how he Sunday's go everytime.He showed us the net that he had around his bed.He told us that that very net has to keep the mosquitoes out from biting him.Then he is nice enough to scare and help his brother with his homework.He keeps his family company and drinks tea with them all.Now that was such a nice boy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

March Lion's Cub Article


     Hello my fellow students and teachers.I am a reporter in on the skoop about the amazing book "Tunnels".Tunnels is an adventurous series by Roderick Gordon,and the Co-Author Brian Williams.This book will make you explode when you read it.Packed with fun and adventures.This book will make you feel like you are a character in the book this is a fiction book and the best part about it is 20 points.I mean 20 POINTS!!!!!!This book is all about Science-archeology,missing people,and mysteries.
     In this book Will and Chester are on a quest to find Will's archeologist father,who has dissapeared.Now they are led to a Labyrinthine world underneath London.This place is full of sinister inhabitants with evil intentions.If you enjoy reading this book check out the series.Deeper,Freefall,Closer.

Tunnels (Tunnels Series #1) by Roderick Gordon: Book CoverDeeper (Tunnels Series #2) by Roderick Gordon: Book CoverFreefall (Tunnels Series #3) by Roderick Gordon: Book CoverCloser (Tunnels Series #4) by Roderick Gordon: Book Cover
 "CLOSER"will be published on February 2,2011.