Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Final Exam/NY Times Best Seller

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

     I am going to get all the good details for one of the New York Times Best Selling book "Diary of a Wimpy Kid."This series is amazing.If you looked at the cover it would already instantly make you want to read it.Of course if you read this series you would know how awesome they are.So lets get to the REAL good stuff.

         As you all know Jeff Kinney just published a brand new book "The Ugly Truth".This book is mostly about life and how to survive it all.The whole series is great,but there is one special book that I love the most."The Last Straw".That book is absolutely wonderful.You must go read it.

        I couldn't blame anyone for wnated to read it so badly.They are also AR books so when you finish reading them you can get points for it.The book is 3 marvelous points.Not many but they are definitely worth it.It is time to wrap up this essay by saying"GO GET THE SERIES,AND I MEAN THE WHOLE SERIES!"


Monday, May 9, 2011

Final Exam/Time Magazine

Bin Laden's Great Mistake:

      Guess what time it is.Its final exam time whicjst time of all.I am going to do a story on Osama bin Laden.He "was" the man responsible for all the killings during 911.Finally after all these years we got him.Osama bin Laden made the biggest mistake of his life messing with our nation.

      For my opinion Osama bin Laden was the worst man in the world.He killed millions and millions of innocent people for no reason.We did nothing that I know of to him so what was the reason for killing people of our nation.I REALLY doubt that Osama is in heaven.Even if he was he would not be worshipping his Father.

      So let me view this now in a Godly manner.God to thinks that what he did was absolutely wrong.Many of those people were "His" in those buildings.It broke his heart that Osama turned against him and did all those things.That is my story.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

BA #47/The Times Picayune-NO/Part 2

     You know there's a part 2 of course.I will discuss on here the similarities ands differences from the death of Osama bin Laden.I found on Chicago Times that they thought the incident with bin Laden was suprising.I know I was very suprised.Chicago Times gave you very great information about Osama.More than Picaune actually.

     I also thought that Picayune gave you excellent information.Picayune-NO

BA #47/The Times Picayune-NO/Part 1

Osama bin Laden killed by U.S. in Pakistan

       Finally Osama bin Laden is dead.He is the one that is responsible for all the killings on 9/11.Our US nation found him in his grand palace in Pakistan.Mnay say that the US knew that he was there,and kept it a secret for money.Maybe they did and maybe they didn't.It does not matter because WE GOT HIM!

New Orleans overnight crime report for Tuesday, May 3, 2011

        A man and his girlfriend had arrived home.After they had argued and other things the man was angry.He said he was tired of evereything.So he went into his bedroom and retreived a gun.Where he there put the gun under his chin and fired with 1 shot.It was a suicide attempt,but yet he still killed the girl.

New Orleans Jazz Fest after dark for Tuesday

      Many people showed up at Irvin's Mayfield's Jazz Playhouse for a jazz fest.There were many instuments and musicians.The fun part was in was after dark yesterday.Know one knew what could happen that strange night,but the good thing was nothing happened.It was in New Orleans where there it is the capital of jazz.

Obamas appear on 'Oprah Winfrey Show' today in taped interview

      Hear is something know one knew(im sure you all knew).The Obamas were guest on the famous "Oprah Winfrey Show".It was the first time Michelle and Barack ever appeared together on a show.They were there to be interviewed about who knows.Very suprising.

Royal wedding fashions blend tradition and modernity

  Of course you all know about the royal wedding.There were many traditional styles in this amazing wedding.All eyes were definitely on the bride.Not just the bride,but the brides dress sand what it was made of.It was awesome.

Monday, May 2, 2011

BA #46/Chicago Sun Times

U.S.: DNA confirms death of Osama bin Laden

      Everyone should know by now,but of course the Osama bin Laden is dead.This is a cruel wicked peron who is well "was" responsible for 911.He made many devious plans to destroy the USA.Finally the US has stopped searching and has got him.

Prince William, Catherine stall honeymoon to throw off paparazzi

     Surely you all have heard about the royal wedding.It was so touching even though I did not get to see it!!!!Almost everyone was there including many celebrities.The worst thing was they had to postpone their honeymoon.They had to do that because so many paparazzi kept following them everywhere they went.I feel so bad for them.

Teammates, mothers, more bury Nigerian soccer player killed here

    The boy Kabiru was buried by teamates and more.HIs mother who was from Chicago was not able to make it to the funeral.Kabiru was ambushed by a gunman Tuesday as he left a convience store.He was 16 and was buried Sunday.

Thirteen wounded, one dead in 8 hours of shooting

     At least 13 people were shot and wounded.There was also a  man that was killed during an eight-hour span throughout the city late Saturday and early Sunday.Also on the West Side two men were shot in the abdomen at 10:43 p.m.o many people are being killed these days something needs to be done about it.At 10:55 p.m. Saturday, an 18-year-old man standing on a porch was shot by several gunmen on foot, police said.

Americans gather to cheer bin Laden's death

 All Americans have gathered to celebrate the death of the Osama bin Laden.Finally we have done it,and we should be very proud.Even though he might have been smart in all he did with his plans on trying to hide.We were waaaay to smart for him.WE KILLED HIM.YES!!!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blog Assignment #45/LA Times

In wealthy Mexico City area, hard workers at street level

There is so much going on in this world.The richest man on the planet lives in Mexico. So do millions of people existing below the line. Yet rich and poor repeatedly intersect. They get tangled up in a routine of mutual sustenance.What a shame.

Online poker players unplug and head to casinos

After the FBI shuts down the three biggest Internet poker sites, millions of online poker players something better. Except to play face to face with others in the real world.They have found that going to the Casino is waaay better.Sooner or later they will also find that gambling is wrong.

Demi Lovato won't return to 'Sonny With a Chance

Demi Lovato will not return to "Sonny With a Chance," saying she'll concentrate on her music instead of worrying about being in front of a camera."Sonny With a Chance" will be reincarnated in June as "So Random," focusing on the show within the show."I don't think going back to 'Sonny' would be healthy for my recovery," Lovato told People, which noted that the Disney Channel said it fully supported her decision to put acting on hold for a while and focus on music.

Monday, April 18, 2011

BA #44/The BBC

Riots over Nigeria poll results

Riots have happened out in northern Nigeria as horrible results show Goodluck Jonathan is about to win.Many homes were attacked in the cities of Kano and Kaduna.